Thursday, February 28, 2008

No One is Reading this

As the title indicates, I know that no one is reading this. I'm sure at some point someone might stumble across this from a google search but right now no one knows this exists. But you know what I'm going to type this anyway.

I am a 20 something South Asian Muslim male living in normal everyday average city USA. I'm writing this blog "anonymously" and I say that in quotes because I'm sure that if one of my friends read the blog the would know that it was me. This is another reason why no one will really know about this blog. Why write it then? Because I have this Doogie Howser MD sort of dream where I will type out my frustrations and let them me put to a computer screen. The only difference between Doogie and I is that he was a child prodigy that became a doctor whereas I am a nut job idiot soon to be college graduate. I swear the difference is in the fact that I have blogspot while he had whatever blue screened word processor was popular in 1989.

Lets backtrack a bit to that whole labeled identity that I started with. I am South Asian because thats where my parents are from and I can't really change that and the same with the age. But the Muslim part I throw out there because thats something that while may have been directly impacted by others is something that is my choice. I also would like to point out that I am probably not a very good Muslim (i.e. I definitely didn't get up in time for morning prayers today) but I am indeed a Muslim mainly because I believe in it. While I might miss prayers I don't drink or eat pork or anything and I try to live life like a good person. I do however miss a copious amount of prayers and probably do not lead the most definitively Muslim social life (I will expand on this later). I guess I have become a bit of an Indiaphile in the last few years but thats because pretending that I'm white is not only hard its very bland. As a result I have mostly South Asian friends these days and if any of you are South Asian you know how much we are all up in each others business and should therefore understand my need to keep this blog anonymous.

Back to my introduction. I do enjoy writing this sort of stuff however as you may have noticed I tend to get distracted and take off on tangents so please don't get bored as I am sure you can just skip a few lines and still know what I'm talking about. Currently I am looking for a job. I am looking into things in the IT world. Ideally this would be consulting for a consulting company however at this point I'll settle for most anything that gets me health care.

I decided to start writing this blog because I need to rant, rave, and vent somewhere. I used to blog frequently however I started to turn away from it mainly because my readership was made up of my friends who already knew what I was up to. Additionally it was made up of people who I would rather not share everything with. This pseudo anonymity will hopefully allow me to write what I want and get away with it.

That seems like a suitable introduction that no one will ever read. I don't really know when I'll update but I'm sure it will be soon. I think I might start trolling around other blogs to generate some traffic. Yeah that seems like a good plan. I'm not above self promotion I just feel as though if I do it I must be honest about it. Peace out.

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